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Click to Search Homel
industrial city of Belarus to the southeast of Minsk
Syn: Homyel, Gomel
Instance Hypernyms: city, metropolis, urban center
Part Holonyms: Belarus, Republic of Belarus, Byelarus, Byelorussia, Belorussia, White Russia


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the country where you were born (Freq. 2)
Syn: fatherland, motherland, mother country, country of origin, native land
Hypernyms: country, state, land
Hyponyms: old country

Homeland Security

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the federal department that administers all matters relating to homeland security
Syn: Department of Homeland Security
Hypernyms: executive department
Part Meronyms:
Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, Immigration and Naturalization Service, INS, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, FLETC, United States Secret Service, US Secret Service, USSS, Secret Service, SS


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1. someone unfortunate without housing
- example : a homeless was found murdered in Central Park
Syn: homeless person
Hypernyms: unfortunate, unfortunate person
Hyponyms: bag lady
2. poor people who unfortunately do not have a home to live in
- example : the homeless became a problem in the large cities
Hypernyms: poor people, poor
Member Meronyms: homeless person
1. without nationality or citizenship
- example : stateless persons
Syn: stateless
Similar to: unsettled
2. physically or spiritually homeless or deprived of security
- example : "made a living out of shepherding dispossed people from one country to another"- James Stern
Syn: dispossessed, roofless
Similar to: unfortunate
Derivationally related forms: homelessness

homeless person

Click to Search homeless person
someone unfortunate without housing
- example : a homeless was found murdered in Central Park
Syn: homeless
Derivationally related forms: homeless (for: homeless)
Hypernyms: unfortunate, unfortunate person
Hyponyms: bag lady
Member Holonyms: homeless


Click to Search homelessness
the state or condition of having no home (especially the state of living in the streets)
Derivationally related forms: homeless
Hypernyms: condition, status
Hyponyms: vagrancy


Click to Search homelike
having a feeling of home; cozy and comfortable
- example : the homely everyday atmosphere
- example : a homey little inn
Syn: homely, homey, homy
Similar to: comfortable, comfy
Derivationally related forms: home (for: homy), home (for: homey), home (for: homely)


Click to Search homeliness
1. having a drab or dowdy quality; lacking stylishness or elegance
Syn: dowdiness, drabness
Derivationally related forms: homely, drab (for: drabness), dowdy (for: dowdiness)
Hypernyms: inelegance
2. an appearance that is not attractive or beautiful
- example : fine clothes could not conceal the girl's homeliness
Syn: plainness
Derivationally related forms: plain (for: plainness), homely
Hypernyms: appearance, visual aspect


Click to Search homely
1. lacking in physical beauty or proportion (Freq. 5)
- example : a homely child
- example : several of the buildings were downright homely
- example : a plain girl with a freckled face
Syn: plain
Similar to: unattractive
Derivationally related forms: plainness (for: plain), homeliness
2. having a feeling of home; cozy and comfortable (Freq. 3)
- example : the homely everyday atmosphere
- example : a homey little inn
Syn: homelike, homey, homy
Similar to: comfortable, comfy
Derivationally related forms: home (for: homy), home (for: homey), home
3. plain and unpretentious (Freq. 1)
- example : homely truths
- example : letters to his son full of homely advice
- example : homely fare
Similar to: plain
4. without artificial refinement or elegance
- example : plain homely furniture
- example : homely manners
Similar to: inelegant
Derivationally related forms: homeliness

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