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dessen elektrische Ladung negativ ist

Click to Search dessen elektrische Ladung negativ ist
anionically, with a negative electric charge

möchte nicht negativ erwidert werden

Click to Search möchte nicht negativ erwidert werden
won`t take no for an answer, will not accept refusal, will not accept a negative reply


Click to Search Negativ
Negativ (das)
n. negative, image from which a picture is obtained in which black and white colors appear reversed (Photography) adv. negatively, in a negative manner, with a negative attitude, not positively
adj. negative; lacking, unfavorable, adverse, unsuccessful, ineffectual

negativ geladen

Click to Search negativ geladen
having a negative electric charge, anionic

negativ geladene Ionen

Click to Search negativ geladene Ionen
negative ions, atoms which carry a negative electrical charge

Negativ Pol

Click to Search Negativ Pol
negative pole, pole of a magnet which carries a negative electrical charge
negativer Pol
negative pole, pole of a magnet which carries a negative electrical charge


Click to Search Negativbild
Negativbild (das)
n. negative, image from which a picture is obtained in which black and white colors appear reversed (Photography)

negative Anmerkung

Click to Search negative Anmerkung
negative note, unfavorable trace, unfavorable note

negative Antwort

Click to Search negative Antwort
negative answer, negative reply, answer that is not positive

negative Aspekte

Click to Search negative Aspekte
negative aspects, downsides, unfavorable parts

negative Bilanz

Click to Search negative Bilanz
reverse leverage, condition in which the proceeds from a business are lower than the expenses

negative Einkommenssteuer

Click to Search negative Einkommenssteuer
negative income tax, payment made by a country to a citizen in order to provide him with the minimum income

negative Einstellung

Click to Search negative Einstellung
negative attitude, attitude which expresses denial or refusal, opposing relation

negative Elektrizität

Click to Search negative Elektrizität
negative electricity, negative charge

negative Elektrode

Click to Search negative Elektrode
cathode, negatively-charged electrode

negative Information

Click to Search negative Information
derogatory information, negative information

negative Injektion

Click to Search negative Injektion
negative injection, change that reduces the amount of money in the economy

negative Kritik

Click to Search negative Kritik
negative criticism, giving of a negative evaluation, vote on defects or faults

negative Ladung

Click to Search negative Ladung
negative charge, negative electricity

negative Meinung

Click to Search negative Meinung
low opinion, poor opinion, negative opinion

negative Nummer

Click to Search negative Nummer
negative number, number that is less than zero, minus

negative Reaktion

Click to Search negative Reaktion
negative feedback, negative reinforcement, criticism, negative response

negative Rückkopplung

Click to Search negative Rückkopplung
negative reinforcer, removal of an unpleasant stimulus as a method of encouraging the continuance of a certain behavior

negative Unterstützung

Click to Search negative Unterstützung
negative reinforcement, reaction of placing and then removing all discomfort as a method of encouraging the continuation of the desired behavior

negative Zinsen

Click to Search negative Zinsen
negative interest, condition in which the nominal rebate is lower than the rate of inflation


Click to Search Negativenergie
Negativenergie (die)
n. negative energy, force that is not directed toward positive channels, destructive energy

negativer Ansatz

Click to Search negativer Ansatz
negative approach, negative treatment, approach which is not positive

negativer Charakter

Click to Search negativer Charakter
negative trait, unpleasant characteristic, negative quality

negativer Ertrag

Click to Search negativer Ertrag
negative yield, loss, lack of proceeds, negative return

negativer Gewerbeballance

Click to Search negativer Gewerbeballance
adverse trade balance, level of trade which is higher from one source and lower from the other

negativer Pol

Click to Search negativer Pol
negative pole, pole of a magnet which carries a negative electrical charge

negatives Ergebnis

Click to Search negatives Ergebnis
negative outcome, bad outcome, poor results

negatives Feedback

Click to Search negatives Feedback
(new spell.=negatives Feed-back) negative feedback, negative reinforcement, criticism, negative response

negatives Feed-back

Click to Search negatives Feed-back
negative feedback, negative reinforcement, criticism, negative response

negatives G

Click to Search negatives G
negative G, negative acceleration, deceleration

negatives Gefühl

Click to Search negatives Gefühl
negative emotion, bad feeling, feeling that is not positive

negatives Pfand

Click to Search negatives Pfand
negative pledge, promise not to mortgage property

negatives Resultat

Click to Search negatives Resultat
negative result, negative outcome, result that is not desired

negatives Stigma

Click to Search negatives Stigma
negative stigma, shameful element, mark of disgrace

negatives Verhalten

Click to Search negatives Verhalten
negative attitude, attitude which expresses denial or refusal, opposing relation


Click to Search negativgeladen
adj. negatively charged, having a negative electrical charge


Click to Search negativgemeint
adj. derogatory, belittling, disparaging, scornful


Click to Search Negativismus
Negativismus (der)
n. negativism, chronic attitude of negativity; denial of conventional beliefs, doubt


Click to Search Negativität
Negativität (die)
n. negativity, quality of being negative or pessimistic


Click to Search Negativklausel
Negativklausel (die)
n. negative clause, part of a sentence used to indicate negative (Grammar)


Click to Search Negativladung
Negativladung (die)
n. negative electrical charge, charge that has more electrons than protons


Click to Search Negativpol
Negativpol (der)
n. negative pole, pole of a magnet which carries a negative electrical charge


Click to Search Negativum
Negativum (das)
n. negative side, unfortunate side of a positive thing; drawback, disadvantage


Click to Search Negativzeichen
Negativzeichen (das)
n. negative sign, minus sign, the sign -


Click to Search Negativzinsen
Negativzinsen (die)
n. negative interest, condition in which the nominal rebate is lower than the rate of inflation

Verlauf negativ beeinflussen

Click to Search Verlauf negativ beeinflussen
harm a process, sabotage a procedure, cause a process to not work properly
Verlauf negativ beeinflußen
(new spell.=Verlauf negativ beeinflussen) harm a process, sabotage a procedure, cause a process to not work properly

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