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English Turkish

Linguatic English Turkish Dictionary



Click to Search anything
bir şey; herhangi bir şey

anything but

Click to Search anything but
dışında bir şey, hiç değil

anything else

Click to Search anything else
başka bir şey

anything short of murder

Click to Search anything short of murder
cinayet dışında her şey

did you choose anything

Click to Search did you choose anything
bir şey seçtiniz mi

do you have anything cheaper

Click to Search do you have anything cheaper
daha ucuz bir şeyleriniz var mı

do you have anything larger

Click to Search do you have anything larger
daha büyük bir şeyleriniz var mı

do you have anything longer

Click to Search do you have anything longer
daha uzun bir şeyleriniz var mı

do you have anything more expensive

Click to Search do you have anything more expensive
daha pahalı bir şeyleriniz var mı

do you have anything of better quality

Click to Search do you have anything of better quality
daha kaliteli bir şeyleriniz var mı

do you have anything shorter

Click to Search do you have anything shorter
daha kısa bir şeyleriniz var mı

do you have anything smaller

Click to Search do you have anything smaller
daha küçük bir şeyleriniz var mı

do you have anything to declare

Click to Search do you have anything to declare
deklare edeceğiniz bir şey var mı

English English

Linguatic English English Dictionary


almost anything

Click to Search almost anything
just about everything, nearly everything


Click to Search anything
something; everything; some object, any object

anything but

Click to Search anything but
everything except for, anything with the exception of

anything goes

Click to Search anything goes
everything goes, everything is accepted

anything might happen

Click to Search anything might happen
anything is possible, anything could be

as sharp as anything

Click to Search as sharp as anything
very clever; very sharp

did not hide anything from

Click to Search did not hide anything from
did not conceal any of his intentions from, told the whole truth and nothing but the truth to

doesn`t care about anything

Click to Search doesn`t care about anything
is not concerned about anything, nothing matters to him, nothing is important to him

doesn`t know anything

Click to Search doesn`t know anything
knows absolutely nothing, is clueless

doesn`t mean anything

Click to Search doesn`t mean anything
meaningless, unimportant, trivial

game for anything

Click to Search game for anything
ready for anything

I don`t want anything to do with you

Click to Search I don`t want anything to do with you
I don`t want to be in any way connected to you, I don`t ever want to see you again

I haven`t done anything

Click to Search I haven`t done anything
I have done nothing, I am innocent

if anything

Click to Search if anything
if at all; actually

if anything should happen to

Click to Search if anything should happen to
if if something bad should happen to..., if any harm should befall...

is anything up?

Click to Search is anything up?
is anything happening? what's happening?

make anything of

Click to Search make anything of
understand, comprehend

more than anything else

Click to Search more than anything else
more than life itself, the most

was willing to do anything

Click to Search was willing to do anything
would do everything possible only to reach his target

without doing anything

Click to Search without doing anything
without performing any actions, sitting quietly

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