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(with/to) (ile) aynı; mat., fels. özdeş

identical to

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benzer olmak , özdeş olmak

identical twins

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tek yumurta ikizleri


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aynen, aynı şekilde


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English English

WordNet 3.0 Dictionary



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1. exactly alike; incapable of being perceived as different (Freq. 12)
- example : rows of identical houses
- example : cars identical except for their license plates
- example : they wore indistinguishable hats
Syn: indistinguishable
Similar to: same
Derivationally related forms: indistinguishability (for: indistinguishable), identity, identicalness
2. being the exact same one; not any other: (Freq. 9)
- example : this is the identical room we stayed in before
- example : the themes of his stories are one and the same
- example : saw the selfsame quotation in two newspapers
- example : on this very spot
- example : the very thing he said yesterday
- example : the very man I want to see
Syn: selfsame, very
Similar to: same
Derivationally related forms: selfsameness (for: selfsame), identity, identicalness
3. (of twins) derived from a single egg or ovum
- example : identical twins are monovular
Syn: monovular
Ant: fraternal
Derivationally related forms: identicalness
4. having properties with uniform values along all axes
Similar to: isotropic, isotropous
Derivationally related forms: identicalness
Topics: physics, natural philosophy
5. coinciding exactly when superimposed
- example : identical triangles
Syn: superposable
Similar to: congruent

identical twin

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either of two twins developed from the same fertilized ovum (having the same genetic material)
Syn: monozygotic twin, monozygous twin
Hypernyms: twin
Hyponyms: Siamese twin, conjoined twin


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with complete identity; in an identical manner
- example : he is fitted with an identically similar one
Derived from adjective: identical


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exact sameness
- example : they shared an identity of interests
Syn: identity, indistinguishability
Derivationally related forms: indistinguishable (for: indistinguishability), identical, identical (for: identity), identify (for: identity)
Hypernyms: sameness
Hyponyms: oneness, unity, selfsameness

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